Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cars with Holes and Pirate's Souls

Day 28:
It's been about 4 weeks since we left. This has been one of the greatest days of the journey, and the most repetitive. Our car broke down AGAIN and there was a crack in the hose of the reservoir box, which supplies the coolant and keeps the temperature to a low. Thankfully it was fixed at around 2:00 and we got on our way to Hilton Head, SC. Before that, and since we had time to kill in Savannah (courtesy of Ginny the car) we had lunch at The Pirate House which is the oldest house in Georgia and where Robert Louis Stevenson got his material for Treasure Island. It is known as a huge hot-spot for paranormal activity. The pictures we took turned us skeptics, into believers. There were three photos that I posted that were the most paranormal. The first one shows one of the windows in the Herb House, the original house owned by a gardener. It was said that many people see orbs of some kind when taken from that view. We found that everything was black and white when we took the photo, although without the window, the pictures come out fine. The first picture shows a cloudy figure in the far left with 2 eye like spheres and is assumed to be a young boy who died. The second picture shows 1-2 orbs and was taken from inside a restricted cellar that was a tunnel which led to the Savannah River a block away. The tunnel was used to hide sailors when they came off of their ships, We weren't allowed to go down but got a tour guide to take some and couldn't believe what we found. You can see in the very right of the picture. The last picture we took of the same window as the first picture, except it was coming inside, rather than outside (people happened to be dining in that room and got totally freaked!) and we found what looks like a face. If you look closely you can make out a mouth, eyes, and what looks like a hat. Many of the non-believers have had haunting like pies being mysteriously thrown against walls and paintings falling on people's heads. Believe?? We made it to Hilton Head Island which is great and we were serenaded by a very talented musician named Jordan Ross at Harbour Town. There was a marina that we walked about and the island seemed pretty lively. Tomorrow we will go to the beach and see more of the Island before heading to Charleston and hanging out there. After South/North Carolina our next major destination is Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia.

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