Day 15:
Today we visited the Grandest Canyon: The Grand Canyon. Today was a very… interesting day. Once we got to the visitor’s center from about an hour drive from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon. There was this special program where you have the opportunity to become a junior park ranger by completing a pamphlet about the Canyon. The rangers create age groups as animals, which is pretty creative for all the kiddies play with. My sister was up to the challenge and was assigned to the Coyote group.
We began to take a little 0.5-mile trail, which ungated, was very spacious and beautiful. Along the way we heard an ambulance, no two, no three ambulances!! Once we finished the trail and my sister was almost finished with her handout, we started to head back to the center, where my sister would be inducted into ranger hood, we saw construction workers, and many park rangers! I figured that it had to do with the ambulances. I was right. An 18-year-old boy fell over the edge about 100 feet from the ground, into the quiet chasm! We spent about 20 minutes watching the climbers rappelling down to the boy, while the rangers closed up the area.
Soon after, we headed back to some kiosks at the entrance while my sister finished her little ranger booklet, and soon enough she was finished. She had to solemnly swear her way into ranger hood. She got a plastic badge of authentication and a certificate as well. My mom got a pretty good video of the induction between her and a fellow ranger.
Later, we headed out to our Dutch-oven car named Ginny, or Wanda, as some people call it and headed out to Sedona, and hope to see the four vortexes and Walt Disney’s driveway where he originally lived and hope to be in Santa Fe by either today or tomorrow, and make our way east, south to Louisiana, and back north to Milford, PA (our starting point) within about 2-3 weeks. Hope you keep following for more sights and adventure!!
I am so enjoying Aidan's commentary. I hope there is some scholastic credit doled out for this literary excellence.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Jade! Did she receive a ranger hat?
I hope the Slip Kid made it out okay. The Grand Canyon is breathtaking but you have to visit it to really get the gist of its glory. When it really gets dutch in the dutch oven, you better open a few windows.